Hi there! Do you like to pretend you’re somepony else? Act out elaborate dinner plans with extraordinary guests? Play in the park with fun personalities? Then this page is for YOU!
Here on BronyTales, you can be yourself, an original character of yours, or even a character from the show! You can /nick to change your server nickname for characters you own, or apply here to take on the mantle of a canon show character!
To help avoid confusion, if your Minecraft username is that of a canon character that you did not apply for and get approved for, please nickname yourself to something else.
Roleplay Rules
- Roleplay must stay within server rating. Roleplay must be kept clean, just as in any other chat channel.
- Roleplay is not mandatory. Don’t force people to join your roleplay if they don’t want to join
- Roleplay is not a contest. It’s ok to lose sometimes - you don’t need to be the best at everything to be a good character. Power gaming is not fun for other people, so please remember that roleplay is about character interaction and not about who wins or loses. This also applies to meta gaming: please be aware of what information your character knows and do not use information they would not know.
- Respect character autonomy. Don’t force anyone’s character to do something they don’t want to do.
- Respect character universes. Don’t force mechanics from your universe into someone else’s. Ask if it’s ok first. For example, most people aren’t ok with an alien invasion in the middle of their tea party.
- Most importantly, roleplay is meant to be fun. If at any point you stop having fun, then speak up.
Image Credit: MarbleWings
Canon Roles
- Roles are not titles. Simply put, if you are applying for a canon role, you are also applying to roleplay as that canon character.
- Must be active. Higher-visibility roles have a certain expectation of activity accompanying them. (Details below) Please note that "activity" is defined as about an hour of play/interaction during a day, and "active" means several sessions of activity during a week. You are considered "idle" if you are not "active" for more than one day a week.
- Must represent your role. Part of the application process is a prompt for you to respond from the viewpoint of the character you wish to portray. Tier 1 roles are much harder to get and keep than lower tiers, and have higher expectations for generally staying in character.
- Roles are at-will. You can have your role removed at staff discretion if you act grossly out of character or are found in violation of more serious rules.
- Roles require merit. You can be barred from receiving a role if you have exhibited problematic behaviors within the past three months that required staff intervention. One-time events do not automatically disqualify you, but any applications will not be processed for a minimum of one week following corrective actions.
Tier 1
Tier 1 characters are highly recognized and generally have a well-defined personality either from the show or widely-accepted fanon lore.
Requirements: Active for a minimum of two weeks, Idle for a maximum of two weeks.
- Mane Cast: Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Spike
- Student Six: Silverstream, Smolder, Ocellus, Gallus, Sand Bar, Yona
- Royalty: Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Flurry Heart, Thorax, Shining Armor, Ember
- Cutie Mark Crusaders: Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle
- Reformed Antagonists: Discord, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Sunset Shimmer
- Antagonists: Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, Lord Tirek, Cozy Glow
- Fandom: Derpy, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Autumn Blaze
Tier 2
Tier 2 characters are generally recognizable and have many spoken lines in the show or significant roles.
Requirements: Active for a minimum of two weeks, Idle for a maximum of five weeks
- Minor Characters: Cheerilee, Mayor Mare, Sunburst, Moon Dancer, Cheese Sandwich, Coco Pommel, Bulk Biceps, Flash Sentry, Sassy Saddles, Big Mac
- Pillars of Equestria: Mage Meadowbrook, Flash Magnus, Mistmane, Rockhoof, Somnambula, Star Swirl the Bearded
- Wonderbolts: Spitfire, Soarin, Fleetfoot, Thunderlane
- Cutie Mark Crusaders: Gabby, Babs Seed
- Celebrities: Coloratura, Sapphire Shores, Songbird Serenade, Daring Do
- Antagonists: Flim and Flam, Storm King
- Reformed Antagonists: Gilda, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Stygian, Tempest
- Fandom: Cloud Chaser, Cloud Kicker, Doctor Whooves, Bon Bon, Lyra
- Non-pony: Capper, Grubber, Zecora, Sea Breeze, Cranky Doodle Donkey, Terramar
Image Credit: MarbleWings
Tier 3
Tier 3 characters are characters with names but little else known about them.
They may have speaking lines, but with little to no backstory or established roles in the show.
Active for a minimum of one week, Idle for a maximum of eight weeks
- Background Ponies: All other background ponies not listed here
- Wonderbolts: All other Wonderbolts not listed here (ex: Blaze, Surprise)
- Antagonists: All unlisted antagonists (ex: Lightning Dust)
- Fandom: All unlisted fandom characters (ex: Nyx)
This is not an exhaustive list; there may be characters that are missing and more may be added or recategorized later.
Taken Roles
These roles are currently taken and cannot be applied for:
- Applejack (gizmodudedad)
- Fluttershy (Bluesanime)
- Pinkie Pie (CewtGawdBea)
- Rainbow Dash (Vestals)
- Rarity (AislingVT)
- Prince Shining Armor (AcePilot092)
- Princess Celestia (ConductorFerrum)
- Princess Luna (McDash_)
- Sweetie Belle (xXfluffycipherXx)
- Cozy Glow (xelona3000)
- King Sombra (The_King_Sombra)
- Queen Chrysalis (BarrothMudFTW)
- Starlight Glimmer (Vinyl_Pon3)
- Derpy (jascotty2)
- Discord (Mangnomical_Nerd)
- Maud Pie (M4ud_P1e)
- Big Mac (Di11i30)
- Mage Meadowbrook (HerbalHunter)
- Mistmane (Daniel1xcv)
- Sunburst (Sunburst4)
- Radiant Hope (HayleeBop23)
- Surprise (SanteriSalovaara)
List updated: 2025-02-11
You may submit an application if you fulfill the activity requirements for the tier you’re applying for.
If your application is denied or you lose your role for any reason, please wait for two weeks before applying again.
We will make our best effort to review your application within a week of submission.