Supporting the Server

Access to BronyTales is provided completely free of charge. However, running a server gets expensive after a while; especially a larger one with this number of custom features. With its current hardware and hosting (i9-13900, 128GB DDR5, NVMe storage, anti-DDoS, failovers, backups), BronyTales costs about $180 each month to stay alive. Providing either a one-time donation or continuously supporting us via Patreon helps us stay online and provide this service for everypony.
To help incentivize your help even more, we offer some rewards for both cumulative (donations and Patreon) and for ongoing (Patreon) support:

Ongoing Support Rewards

  • $1
    • We’ll add your name to the wall of fame on this page!
  • $5
    • Ability to color your name or get custom tags in tab and chat with /tags
    • Name colors available: darkgray, gray, purple, darkpurple, green, darkgreen, gold, yellow, darkaqua, blue
    • Add your head to the supporter gallery in Ponyville in Town Hall’s basement lounge
  • $10
    • Access to the /hat command
    • Access to fun cosmetic toys in the hub world
    • Access to colors to use in chat
    • Chat colors available: &f &e &d &b &a &9 &8 &7 &6 &5 &3 &2 &1 &0 &r &o &m &l &k
    • Ability to set your hurt and death sounds with /playersounds or /ps
  • $20
    • Access to special particle effects command /pp

Cumulative Rewards

  • $1
    • We’ll add your name to the wall of fame on this page!
  • $10
    • Ability to color your name or get custom tags in tab and chat with /tags
  • $20
    • Add your name to the wall of supporters in Ponyville in Town Hall’s basement lounge
    • Access to the /hat command
    • Access to fun cosmetic toys in the hub world
  • $50
    • You can choose a name that will randomly be assigned to any naturally spawned mob of your choice.
    • Access to colors to use in chat
    • Chat colors available: &f &e &d &b &a &9 &8 &7 &6 &5 &3 &2 &1 &0 &r &o &m &l &k
  • $100
    • Full month sponsor!
    • Add your head to the golden wall of supporters in Ponyville in Town Hall’s basement lounge
    • Ability to set your hurt and death sounds with /playersounds or /ps
  • $300
    • Full quarter sponsor!
    • Add your head to the super wall of supporters in Ponyville in Town Hall’s basement lounge
    • Access to special particle effects command /pp


    All levels of support also give you access to the Robo game accessible from a portal in town hall’s basement or using /server robo

    Active Supporters

    • Mr_Some1
    • Sanybaby
    • Dark Spectre
    • Raven Underhill
    • Derpmare Moon
    • Crystal Storm
    • Water Wings
    • PhoenixClan
    • BlazingCookie
    • Frosty
    • Colorless
    • SkyScamper
    • DiamondDust
    • Detsella Morningdew
    • Beeble
    • The Beaphomet
    • Silverstreak
    • Rivet
    • Moonflitter
    • Pearl Blossom
    • Owl Burst
    • Blaster
    • AstronLight
    • Flipnote
    • NexusOfChaos
    • McDash
    • (Anonymous)
    • KleinFlask
    • DeviledFish
    • Sky
    • Erela
    • Ashburncat

    Past Supporters / Donors

    • CyberElle
    • Rosabelle
    • Dawson
    • Night The Fox
    • Grellaphant
    • Gentlecolt Sombra
    • Kian
    • Prince Lunar
    • SolOne
    • Evening Skye
    • Moony
    • Bure
    • NovaStream
    • SilverSnails
    • Sapphire Sparkle
    • Nef
    • Keon
    • Link
    • CptnSeaBiscuit
    • Zull
    • HeartwarmingFox
    • NoiZMayo
    • Cobalt
    • Mrcrzs
    • Igny
    • Daisy Mae
    • ThunderFlash
    • MayoMadi
    • Cooper
    • Splits
    • BurntBerry
    • AetherHG
    • EmeraldMarine
    • Winter Inferno
    • Fidget
    • Rockette
    • p4r4_max
    • Bon Vivant
    • Zeta
    • Strawberry
    • Koto
    • TaiyoFurea
    • Berryl Icing
    • Silver Star
    • Ezra
    • Vigilance
    • AbyssLilac
    • Indigo Starz
    • Cotton
    • StarLite
    • killua
    • Flambee
    • Streambreeze
    • Oceana
    • PitterPatter
    • Virdia
    • Chatter
    • GrumpyOscarNoodle
    • Whiy
    • MidNiteGames
    • Cer
    • ItsmeAurora
    • Golden Mango
    • Iota
    • Smolder
    • (Anonymous)
    • Dusty
    • nopony
    • AnthraxSpores
    • Scarlet Sparkle
    • Nyx
    • CosmicFlash
    • Perish Song
    • Moonlight Rift
    • (Anonymous)
    • Silverspeed
    • Akoipo
    • RainbowCord
    • ScorchFirefly
    • Santeri Salovaara
    • Rebel Appliance
    • RariSparkle
    • (Anonymous)
    • Schlorgadorb
    • Jax
    • Clix The Changeling
    • Shadow Twinkle
    • SolarStarlight
    • CozyCloud
    • Daring Shepard
    • SnowPegasus
    • Boo
    • Spinneret
    • KnightLight
    • Lumi
    • Chris
    • Zake
    • Swivel Solstice
    • (Anonymous)
    • Vincent
    • Jack Smulohay
    • Timely Alchemist
    • Hierozaki
    • Cloudburst
    • Flutters
    • Pastella Palette
    • GrayMane
    • LunarWhispers
    • Storm
    • Mattzilla
    • Pepper
    • Dawn Heart
    • Midnight
    • Shade
    • Bastrii
    • (Anonymous)
    • Wind Caller
    • Boostrot
    • Atrianas
    • Zenith
    • Eventide Aurora
    • Viridian
    • Jack
    • Salaryman
    • (Anonymous)
    • BlueScreen
    • Spacey
    • Cheese
    • Kotonaru
    • Pastel
    • Nimble
    • Spinel
    • Uniril


    (Sorry, kindof need to let you know this stuff)
    Any payment to BronyTales is a non-refundable gift and is not a sale of goods or services. Supporting the server monetarily does not exempt you from punishments for rule infractions, nor does it offer leniency. Refunds will not be issued in the event your account is banned or some other corrective action is taken against you. Making a payment or donation of any kind does not entitle you to any physical or virtual goods, nor does it constitute a contract for services.
    In-game rewards will be distributed in a timely manner provided you include your username with your donation.
    Rewards are subject to change without notice.