Welcome to BronyTales!
A Minecraft Server for
My Little Pony Fans of all ages.
A 1.21.4 server compatible with:
Java clients with 1.19.0 - 1.21.4
and Bedrock Edition 1.21
BronyTales is a community-centered Family-Friendly My Little Pony themed Minecraft Server for kids of all ages 5-95 with survival and roleplay sections for casual and dedicated players alike.
ImageTowns and discoverable locations built by a talented build team plus many other amazing builds in the survival, creative, and pixel art worlds!
ImageFriendly staff, Skilled Builders, and Experienced Administrative Staff continuously working to make the server better for our supportive & growing community.
Image2025-03-26 13:38:
- Two new protection flags added for lecterns: lectern-auto-rewind and lectern-view-only for resetting to page 1, with the "view-only" setting also providing an interface that doesn't output a signal for viewers or change the page for one player if another is also reading it.
2025-03-24 21:51:
- Chiseled bookshelves can now be locked like chests
2025-03-21 18:40:
Server updates:
- Server upgraded to 1.21.4
- Overworld and Nether selectively regenerated and expanded borders.
- Special automatically-generated dungeons and structures can appear naturally.
- Fully regenerated End and expanded border.
- Expanded Pixelart border.
- Nicknames above player heads are now colored (for nicknames that are 14 characters or less).
- Nexus room skip interval set back to 10 minutes.
- The /blink spell has been rewritten, less likely to end up stuck in weird spots.
- /csupply and /cdisplay added as chest lock types ('supply' being the opposite of 'donation').
- /petmaster has changed to /pet for releasing pets.
- You can now knock on doors with your bare hooves (actually was added a while ago, but you had to be crouching to make it work).
- /selldisk added to redeem broken music disks for bits.
- Updated /heads database; we now have over 80k heads to select from (this makes the UI slow, please be patient with the buttons, they do still work)- Generated treasure chests now have break protection (you can still break by sneaking)
- Infinity may now be used on crossbows.
- Creepers will not explode as hard if they’re damaged. They’ll also try to corner you :>
- Gold trim now also works for piglins ignoring players.
- Sponges can be used to dry mud.
- Beacon effects can now be used with tinted glass.
- Polar bears can be bred with beef.
- Villager Iron Golem spawns have a slightly larger radius.
- Lands can now have levels, with higher level lands having access to more claim chunks (Levels 2-5 have increased the number from 1-8 to 9-36).
- Chest shops can now show the amount of the item available on the sign.
- The tab list now shows all players on the network, not just the one server you’re on.
- Hoppers slowed to 2 transfers per second, but now transfer 2 items at a time. (transfers increased to 4 items per second) **Sorting machines may need to be updated**.
- Tree felling disabled until I can figure out what was causing the issues from launch.
- Fixed the issue causing some enchantments to not show on books (had to rename three enchantments, they’ll no longer show if you had one of those).
- Fixed issue preventing some lockable blocks from being locked.
- Fixed issue preventing silverfish infestation & villager farming.
- Fixed issue preventing mobs from picking up items.
- Fixed issue preventing mobs from spawning in the end.
- Website donor page finally updated :derpbox:
- Website updated with new enchantments.
Enchantment notes:
- Flinch now has a % chance to blind based on level, does not affect time duration.
- Blast Mining now has 5 levels and starts at a 15% chance. The max level is still at 100%.
- Indestructibility given a slight buff.
- Instantaneous is now more rare and has an additional level. Can be applied to shears, too!
- Stab is now a common enchantment instead of rare.
- Wisdom lowered from 25% to 20% XP gain per level.
- All Artifacts can now be applied to fishing rods.
- End Infusion can now be applied to Axes and Tridents.
- Enderism has been merged into End Infusion. Enderism was the same thing, just for bows and crossbows.
- End Infusion now targets all weapons.
- Arborist: Bug fix, can only be applied to Axes now.
- New artifacts: bubble, depth, glowing ink, light, mycelium, sonic.
- New enchants: feather step, metabolism, shulker harvest, sparks, stun.
- “shriek” artifact disabled.
- Probably more, full list here: https://bronytales.com/enchantments
Known issues:
- The flint tool for armor stands sometimes doesn’t load properly, should be fixed for now.
- Some bedrock clients aren’t able to use chat, looking into that.
- Biome colors changed a bit along with some unexpected sounds in existing biomes, may need some changes.
- Iron golems sometimes spawn inside walls.
- Some old structure locations may no longer be valid for special mob spawns.
Check out the full list Here!